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The Rules:

My only rule for this challenge is that there are no rules. Whether you complete one task a day consecutively, one task a week consecutively or even one task a month consecutively, is completely up to YOU. Every individual is different, therefore every individual requires a different approach to this challenge. However, after completing the challenge myself, I do have some tips to help guide you to achieve the most effective results:


Find a partner, a friend, or a relative to take on this challenge with you. Sharing your experience with someone else will help motivate you to not give up. Detoxing from technology can be very difficult at first, so you are going to need all of the support you can get.  


Give yourself a deadline. Although this should not be treated as a "homework assignment", if you do not set a date that this challenge needs to be completed by, then you will procrastinate forever and never accomplish all 15 tasks.

At the end of each day that you have completed a task, write something down in a journal about your experience. Length is unimportant, but reflecting on this process will help you realize the benefits that come with these minor changes.



Although this is not required and should hopefully happen naturally, I advise you to treat these tasks as cumulative. In other words, with each new challenge, you should continue to practice the previously performed challenges as well. This will help speed up the process of turning these actions into habits rather than tasks.

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